A new paper is out!
Feb, 24th, 2025
In Giunchi et al. we gain insights on the star formation process in the clumps of ram pressure stripped galaxies.
A new post doc joined the GASP team
Sep, 1st, 2024
Augusto Lassen started working on a new sample of unwinding galaxies, to better understand their origin.
Great success for the ERC supported international conference "The physical processes shaping the stellar and gaseous histories of galaxies"
May, 31th, 2024
More than 100 scientists attented to the conference we organized in Pisa. More details and the recordings of the meeting can be found here.
Bianca Poggianti reviews GASP results at the Accademia dei Lincei
Mar, 8th, 2024
Bianca Poggianti, recently appointed as member of the prestigious Accademia dei Lincei, presented the main GASP results in an invited colloquium. The recording can be found here.
The radial orbits of GASP galaxies
Mar, 5th, 2024
In Biviano et al. we determine the velocity anisotropy profile of ram-pressure stripped galaxies, finding that their orbits are increasingly radial with distance from the cluster center.
Mass metallicity relation in z~0.3 cluster galaxies
Feb, 23th, 2024
In Khoram et al. we examine the distribution of ionized gas metallicity of RPS galaxies in the Abell 2744 (z=0.308) and Abell 370 (z=0.375), finding progressive dilution of metallicity along the tails due to the mixing of intracluster medium and interstellar gas.
We are hiring!
Dec, 13th, 2023
If you want to join the GASP team as a post doc and work on the unwidning galaxies, don't hesitate to apply! Details can be found here.
What is the history of star-forming regions in the tails of ram pressure stripped galaxies?
Dec, 12th, 2023
In Werle et al. we investigate the stellar population parameters of stellar clumps detected in continuum-subtracted Hα and ultraviolet, using HST data.
Is star formation enhanced in ram pressure stripped galaxies at intermediate z?
Nov, 23rd, 2023
In Vulcani et al. we show that ram pressure stripped galaxies have systematically larger SFRs than their undisturbed counterparts.
Stellar Feedback has no effects on the gas stripping rate in massive jellyfish galaxies
Nov, 10th, 2023
Akerman et al. exploit hydrodynamical wind-tunnel simulations to study the role of star formation and stellar feedback in a galaxy being ram pressure stripped.
Curious to know the morphology of the clumps in jellyfish galaxies?
Oct, 12th, 2023
Giunchi et al. present a multiwavelenght analysis of the clumps in ram pressure stripped tails, as seen by HST.
The incidence of RPS does not depend on the cluster dynamical state
Sept, 28th, 2023
Lourenco et al. analyse optical data from the WINGS/OmegaWINGS surveys and archival X-ray data to perform a statistcal analysis of the number of ram pressure stripped candidates in different clusters.
We can finally measure the metallicity in AGN!
Sept, 12th, 2023
In Peluso et al. we measure measure oxygen abundances in local AGN and study the mass-metallicity relation of ram pressure stripped and undisturbed galaxies.
When a galaxy meets a radio plume...
Sept, 5th, 2023
Ignesti et al. report on the serendipitous discovery of an unprecedented interaction between the radio lobe of a radio galaxy and a spiral galaxy. This discovery was also reported by a Media INAF news!
How does the cold gas fraction depend on ram pressure stripping?
Sept, 4th, 2023
Have a look at Moretti et al. to find the answer!
It's paper day again!
August, 30th, 2023
How does ram pressure stripping induce morphological transformations? The answer is in Marasco et al.!.
June, 5th, 2023
JO206 is the last GASP jellyfish galaxy chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
Radio continuum tails in A2255
May, 31, 2023
Ignesti et al. (2023) presents the first indirect measure of the stripped, nonthermal interstellar medium velocity.
JW39 is the ESA picture of the week!
May, 22nd, 2023
HST observations of JW39 have been chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
Ram pressure stripping in the EAGLE simulation
May, 9th, 2023
Kulier et al. investigate the ram pressure stripping of galactic gas in the reference EAGLE hydrodynamical cosmological simulation.
JO175 is the ESA picture of the week!
May, 1st, 2023
HST observations of JO175 have been chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
JO204 is the ESA picture of the week!
April, 10th, 2023
HST observations of JO204 have been chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
JW100 is the ESA picture of the week!
March, 20th, 2023
HST observations of JW100 have been chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
JO201 is the ESA picture of the week!
February, 27th, 2023
HST observations of JO201 have been chosen to feature in the ESA picture of the week gallery.
HST allows us to study star foming clumps in 6 jellyfish
February, 22th, 2023
Giunchi et al. compare the properties of H-alpha and UV clumps in different locations of the galaxies,
Galaxy Zoo: 20,000 Galaxies Classified! Project Extension Announcement
January, 23th, 2023
Given the great interest, we are extendending our Galaxy Zoo project. For more info, have a look here
New papers out!
January, 20th, 2023
Many new papers have come out in the past months! Have a look at the publication page for all the updates!
Galaxy Zoo Launch!
November, 29th, 2022
We are excited to announce a new project: “Fishing for Jellyfish Galaxies” on the citizen science platform, which will allow the public to view and classify galaxies in astronomical images taken by DECaLS, the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey, to search for and characterise new jellyfish galaxy candidates.
MeerKAT hunts Jellyfish in A2626
August, 30th, 2022
Have a look at Deb et al. (2022) for a general characterization of jellyfish galaxies in A2626.
LOFAR explores the low-frequency radio emission of GASP jellyfish galaxies
August, 26th, 2022
In Ignesti et al. (2022) we show how in jellyfish galaxies the cosmic rays transport is more efficient than in normal galaxies and that the radio emission is boosted by the electrons stripped from the disks.
New data coming!
August, 25th, 2022
We obtained 30 hours with Meerkat to further investigate magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies (PI. Mueller)
Where are located jellyfish galaxies in high redshfit clusters? what is their morphology?
August, 24th, 2022
These and other questions are addressed in Bellhouse et al. (2022).
Unveling the interplay between intracluster medium (ICM) and interstellar medium (ISM) in jellyfish galaxies in X-ray
August, 2nd, 2022
Bartolini et al. (2022) present the study of an archival Chandra observation of the GASP jellyfish galaxy JO194.
New data coming!
May, 20th, 2022
We obtained more than 300 hours at VLA to further investigate magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies (PI. Mueller)
What are the properties of post starburst galaxies at intermediate redshifts?
March, 17th, 2022
Werle et al. (2022) measures spatially resolved star-formation histories, the time since quenching and the fraction of stellar mass assembled in the past 1.5 Gyr for a sample of 21 galaxies at z~0.4, pointing to ram-pressure stripping as the main driver of fast quenching in clusters.
Curious to know what is the relevance of ram pressure stripping for the evolution of blue cluster galaxies?
January, 11th, 2022
Have a look at Vulcani et al. (2022) that characterizes the fraction of galaxies showing signs of stripping at optical wavelengths and indenitfies a new sample of unwinding galaxies.
What is the difference in terms of HI content between the most extreme jellyfish galaxies and other disk galaxies in clusters?
January, 5th, 2022
Luber et al. (2022) present such systematic comparison.
Additional MUSE data are coming!
December, 22nd, 2021
We will observe an additional sample of galaxies with unwinding arms to shed further light on the connection between ram pressure stripping and unwinding features in clusters (PI Vulcani).
What is the role of magnetic fields in ram pressure stripped galaxies?
December, 7th, 2021
Muller et al. (2021) summarize the most recent results achieved within the GASP collaboration to provide a holistic explanation for the role of magnetic fields in ram pressure stripped galaxies.
Is there any mixing between ICM and ISM?
November, 10th, 2021
Franchetto et al. (2021) show the first observational evidence for mixing between ICM and stripped ISM by the analysis of the gas metallicity in the tails of jellyfish galaxies
What do we know about ram pressure at intermediate redshifts?
November, 9th, 2021
Find it out in Moretti et al. (2021), who present a detailed characterization of ram pressure stripped galaxies in 2 intermediate redshift clusters!
It's paper day!
November, 5th, 2021
Peluso et al. (2021) explores the connection between ram pressure stripping and AGN in a large sample of local galaxies.
GASP XXXVIII explores the non-thermal radio emission of a jellyfish galaxy!
October, 26, 2021
Ignesti et al. (2021) combines LOFAR, MeerKAT and VLA observations to get insights on the non-thermal side of a jellyfish galaxy
Not only spirals have tails!
October, 11th, 2021
Mueller et al. (2021) charcterizes two extended radio galaxies characterized by a gentle re-acceleration of relativistic electrons in the jets via transition from laminar to turbulent motion.
GASP XXXVI appeared today on arxiv
September, 8th, 2021
Franchetto et al. (2021) combines GASP and MaNGA data to investigate the distribution of gas metallicity gradients as a function of stellar mass, for local cluster and field galaxies.
GASP XXXV appeared today on arxiv
August, 31st, 2021
Tomicic et al. (2021) presents an analysis of the gas properties of the dense ionized gas and the DIG in ram pressure stripped and undisturbed galaxies.
Chandra observations have been granted
July, 30th, 2021
Observations of the jellyfish JO206 (PI Ignesti) will shed light on the origin of the magnetic fields in ram pressure stripped galaxies.
APEX observations have been granted
July, 16th, 2021
We will observe a large sample of cluster galaxies to investigate the interplay between molecular gas (H2), neutral gas (HI) and star formation in galaxies which are currently undergoing strong ram pressure stripping (PI Moretti).
GASP XXXIII has been accepted for publication and appeared today on arxiv
April, 7th, 2021
The full field GASP sample is now availbale in Vulcani et al. (2021). Have a look if you want to learn about the different physical processes taking place in the low-density environments!
GASP XXXIV appeared today on arxiv
March, 5th, 2021
In Campitiello et al. (2021) we investigate the high energy spectral properties and the spatial correlation between the X-ray and optical emissions in a jellifish galaxy.
A new GASP member!
January, 1st, 2021
Alessandro Ignesti started as GASP post-doc at INAF Padova. He will work on X-ray and radio data of the most striking jellyfish galaxies.
GASP XXXII has been accepted for publication!
November, 19th, 2020
Tomicic et al. (2020) presents the first characterization of the Diffuse Ionized Gas in stripping galaxies.
GASP XXIX has been accepted for publication!
October, 21st, 2020
Curious about how galaxies unwind their arms? The answer is in Bellhouse et al. (2020) that appeared on arxiv today.
New GASP members!
October, 1st, 2020
Three new PhD students joined the group: welcome to Nina Akerman, Eric Giunchi, and Giorgia Peluso.
An analysis on the first carachterization of the magnetic field in jellyfish galaxies has been posted on arxiv today!
September, 29th, 2020
Curious about the magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies? Have a look at Mueller et al. (2020) that appeared on arxiv today.
Our proposal to observe 15 jellyfish galaxies with ASTROSAT/UVIT has been approved.
September, 14th, 2020
We were awarded 300ks for the proposal ``ASTROSAT survey of GASP jellyfish galaxies'' (PI George).
ATCA observations to observed magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies have been scheduled.
September, 1st, 2020
We were awarded 346 hours for the proposal ``Highly ordered magnetic fields in jellyfish galaxies'' (PI Mueller).
Our VLT/XShooter proposal to further characterize the AGN in jellyfish galaxies has been accepted in P106!
August, 3rd, 2020
We were awarded 13.7 hours for the proposal ``Characterizing the physical conditions of AGN hosted by Jellyfish galaxies'' (PI Jaffé).
GASP XXX is now availabel on arxiv!
July, 13th, 2020
The spatially resolved SFR-mass relation of stripping galaixes is presented in GASP XXX (Vulcani et al. 2020b).
HST proposal to study star forming clumps in GASP galaxies has been approved!
June, 30th, 2020
We were awarded 30 orbits for the proposal ``Star-forming clumps in jellyfish galaxy tails'' (PI Gullieuszik).
GASP XXI has been accepted for publication!
June, 30th, 2020
Please refer to GASP XXI (Gullieuszik et al. 2020) to learn about how the star formation rate (SFR) in the tails of stripped gas depends on the properties of the galaxy and its host cluster.
GASP XXXI appeared on ArXiv today!
June, 25th, 2020
Have a look at GASP XXXI (Moretti et al. 2020) if you are interested to know all about the molecular gas content and the conversion of neutral into molecular gas in jellyfish galaxies.
GASP XXVI has been accepted for publication!
June, 23th, 2020
GASP XXVI (Ramatsoku et al. 2020) presents a characterisation of the HI content and distribution of two GASP galaxies.
GASP XXVII appeared on ArXiv today!
April, 28th, 2020
Curious about the mass metallicity relation in stripped galaxies? Please check GASP XXVII (Franchetto et al. 2020).
GASP XXV appeared on ArXiv today!
April, 9th, 2020
Please have a look at GASP XXV (Deb et al. 2020) if you are interested in the HI distribution in a jellyfish galaxy.
Three new postdocs have joined the GASP team!
April, 1st, 2020
Please welcome Callum Bellhouse, Andrea Kullier and Ariel Werle.
GASP XXIV appeared on ArXiv today!
March, 6th, 2020
Please have a look at GASP XXIV (Vulcani et al. 2020) if you want to know how ram pressure stripping quenches cluster galaxies.
GASP XXII appeared on ArXiv today!
December, 16th, 2019
Please have a look at GASP XXII (Moretti et al. 2019) to learn about the molecular gas content of a jellyfish galaxy at z~0.05.
GASP XXIII appeared on ArXiv today!
October, 25th, 2019
Please have a look at GASP XXIII (Poggianti et al. 2019b) to learn about the baryon cycle in a jellyfish galaxy.
XShooter time to dig in into GASP AGNs has been awarded
July, 4th, 2019
The proposal led by Y. Jaffé entitled "Characterizing the physical conditions of AGN hosted by Jellyfish galaxies" was awarded 15 hours.
We reached a milestone: GASP XX appeared on ArXiv today!
July, 3rd, 2019
Please have a look at Vulcani et al. (2019b) for a characterisation of the spatially resolved SFR-Mass relation in undisturbed galaxies.
GASP XVII appeared on ArXiv today!
June, 11th, 2019
Please have a look at GASP XVII (Ramatsoku et al. 2019) to learn about the first HI study of a GASP galaxy.
Three more GASP papers appeared on ArXiv today!
May, 23rd, 2019
Please have a look at GASP XVI (Vulcani et al. 2019), GASP XVIII (George et al. 2019) and GASP XIX (Radovich et al. 2019).
Meerkat observations have been awarded
May, 3rd, 2019
We obtained 13 hours to observe JW100 and its cluster, in the first ever cycle of observations with Meerkat.
Two new post docs will join the GASP team!
March, 21st, 2019
Neven Tomicic will start his appointment in May, Matilde Mingozzi will join us in October.
!!Bianca Poggianti was awarded an ERC advanced grant!!
March, 20th, 2019
The grant of 2.5 MEuro will allows us to boost our science based on the multi-wavelength GASP data.
GASP XIX published on MNRAS!
March, 19th, 2019
Check Radovich et al. 2019 to learn about AGN and their outflows at the centre of jellyfish galaxies!
GASP XV appeared today on ArXiv!
February, 13th, 2019
Check Bellhouse et al. 2019 to learn about the properties of one of most peculiar galaxies in GASP!
GASP XIII appeared today on ArXiv!
November, 5th, 2018
Check Poggianti et al. 2018 to learn all about star formation in gas outside galaxies.
GASP XIV appeared today on ArXiv!
October, 15th, 2018
Check Vulcani et al. 2018c if you are interested in the SFR-Mass relation of stripping candidates!
GASP XII appeared today on ArXiv!
September, 11th, 2018
Check Vulcani et al. 2018b if you want to know the effect of the group environment on galaxies!
JO201 has been chosen as Picture of the month!
May, 2nd, 2018
The Public Outreach & Education Committee of the Astronomical Society of India has chosen the AstroSat image of JO201 as picture of the month. Check it here!
GASP observations have been completed!
April, 15th, 2018
The last galaxy has been observed and now the sample is completed! Stay tuned the for upcoming exciting results.
GASP X, and GASP XI appeared today on ArXiv!
March, 16th, 2018
If you're interested, please check Moretti et al. 2018, George et al. 2018.
GASP V, GASP VII and GASP IX appeared today on ArXiv!
February, 22th, 2018
If you're interested, please check Moretti et al. 2018, Vulcani et al. 2018, Jaffé et al. 2018.
The first 100 GASP galaxies have been observed!
February, 20th, 2018
The 100th GASP galaxy has been observed. We are quickly reaching the end of our observations.
First GASP data release
October, 26th, 2017
We have released deep MUSE 3D cubes observed in wide field mode and natural seeing plus ancillary products from all the observations taken during the first three semesters of the program (P96, P97 and P98), for a total of 57 galaxies. For more information please visit the ESO phase3 page.
Three new GASP papers appeared today on ArXiv!
August, 31st, 2017
If you're interested, please check Gullieuszik et al. 2017, Poggianti et al. 2017b, Vulcani et al. 2017c.
A GASP paper appeared today on Nature!
August, 16th, 2017
"Supermassive Black Holes Feed on Cosmic Jellyfish" (Poggianti et al. 2017b) has been published today by Nature. The ESO press release can be found here.
First GASP papers appeared on ArXiv today!
April, 19th, 2017
The first three papers of the GASP survey (Poggianti et al. (2017), Bellhouse et al. (2017), Fritz et al. (2017)) appeared on ArXiv today. Other three papers will appear soon, so stay tuned!
Observations in P98 ended
April, 19th, 2017
After the first three semesters of GASP observations, 60 galaxies have been observed. 65 hours of observations have been carried out (72%) so far. The data have the excellent quality we expected and the results obtained so far are extremely interesting.
18 galaxies observed in P98
January, 10th, 2017
So far, in P98, 18 galaxies were observed by MUSE. 12 of them are in clusters, 6 of them are in less dense environments. Two galaxies belong to the JClass=2, six galaxies belong to the JClass=1 (the weakest cases) and eleven galaxies belong to the control sample (i.e. galaxies not showing signs of stripping).
November, 16th, 2016
As announced in the ESO Call for Proposals for Period 98, no science observations on VLT UT4 are foreseen from early October to late December 2016. This is due to the extensive installation and commissioning activities. GASP observations will be resumed in January 2017.
11 galaxies observed in P97
September, 30th, 2016
In P97, 11 galaxies were observed by MUSE. All of them are in clusters. Five galaxies belong to the JClass=5, four galaxies belong to the JClass=4 and two galaxies belong to the JClass=2.
24 galaxies observed in P96
March, 31st, 2016
In P96, 24 galaxies were observed by MUSE. 19 of them are in clusters, 5 of them are in less dense environments. Two galaxies belong to the JClass=5 (extreme cases of visual evidence for stripping signatures in the optical bands), seven galaxies belong to the JClass=4 and fifteen galaxies belong to the JClass=3.