The RR95 Catalogue

The catalogue of southern (d< -17) pair candidates is extracted from the ESO-LV photometric catalogue (Lauberts & Valentijn 1989, The Surface Photometry Catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala Galaxies, ESO) following Karachentsev (1972, Catalogue of Isolated Pairs of Galaxies in the Northern Hemisphere, Soobsch S.A.O. 7, 3) criteria, in the attempt to identify gravitationally interacting, non-hierarchical doubles, in low density environments. The catalogue is complete down to B=14.5 mag and is composed of 408 double candidates. 14% are E+E pairs, 35% E+S and 51% S+S.

The information about each entry in the catalague is constantly up-dated through original studies and data coming from the literature.

Here is provided the original version of the catalogue.

The Catalogue + the ATLAS

Reduzzi, L. and Rampazzo R.
Candidates for a Southern Extension of the Karachentsev Catalogue of Isolated Pairs of  Galaxies 
1995, ApL&C, vol. 30, n. 1-6
Roberto Rampazzo (last update November 16, 2020: