The Atlas

Leporello: Madamina,
il catalogo è questo,
delle belle che amò il padron mio;
un catalogo egli è che ho fatt'io,
osservate, leggete con me.....



The Atlas presents the images and the properties of the doubles which we consider of fiducial class P, i.e. the best candidate pairs. The image orientation is North to the top and East to the left. The abbreviations used in the Atlas are resumed in Table 5.
The CO data come from Combes et al. (1994); the paper shows also H(alpha) images of southern pairs (indicated with CPRS94 in the Atlas). Quantitative morphology of some objects in the catalog have been obtained by Rampazzo and Sulentic (1992: RS92 in the Atlas). CCD frames in B,V, R bands of 62 pairs have been obtained at the 92cm Dutch telescope at La Silla, Chile. The photometry and isophotal maps will be available in Reduzzi and Rampazzo (1994: in preparation). The abbreviations used for the recession velocity reference are: F (Fairall and Jones 1991), dC (da Costa: private communication), MPB (Maurogordato et al. 1991). The velocity difference, DeltaV, given in the table has been obtained from the cz values given in ESO-LV. When different sources are available DeltaV has been obtained from those measurements as homogeneous as possible (e.g. published by the same authors).

Fthe image field in arcmin
CCDCCD photometry and isophotal map available
C-pair satisfy the basic isolation criteria with K = 5, C = 1/2, L = 4
C+pair satisfy stronger isolation criteria with K = 10, C = 1/2, L = 4
LIN ta or brone dimensional attending filaments at the components with a subtype of bridges (br) or tail (ta)
ATMluminous atmosphere that envelopes both components
DIS 1 or 2the distorsion of one (1) or both (2) components is existent

In the following four pages (Fig. 12 panel a, panel b, panel c, panel d) the projection on the celestial sphere of all the 15467 galaxies in the ESO-LV catalogue (points) is reported along with the position of the 409 candidate pairs (818 galaxies, triangles). Each panel shows a zone of 6h in right ascension. Declination is between -15 and -90 degrees.