Michela Mapelli Home Page
CONTACT DETAILS: Michela Mapelli (PhD), Associate Professor Physics and Astronomy Department "G. Galilei", University of Padova Vicolo dell'Osservatorio 3, I - 35122 Padova, Italy Email: michela.mapelli_at_oapd.inaf.it Phone: +39 049 827 8220 Web: http://web.oapd.inaf.it/mapelli/ DEMOBLACK web: http://demoblack.com/ |
Curriculum vitae and scientific interests (pdf)
New! 2017 ERC Consolidator (INAF press release, University of Innsbruck press release)
2015 MERAC Prize winner
Research Topics and Research Group
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The SEVN code
PhD Thesis (ps gzipped)
Laurea Thesis (italian, ps gzipped)
amo il sole e la terra rossa bruciata,
amo l'uva, i fichi, le pesche, le arance e
la quiete cotta di sole che lavora attorno;
amo questa realta`, i cieli sereni, il mare azzurro
e sole, sole.
Aldo Carpi, Diario di Gusen
--- Don't forget! ---
Liberazione: eccidio di Valaperta, eccidio di Valaperta2, eccidio di Valaperta3, Anpi
--- Astronomy ---
Print: Astro-ph, ADS, Proceedings of Science
Author: MNRAS, MNRAS Author Service, Babbage
Database: NED, Astronomy catalogues
Departments: Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, SISSA, University of Innsbruck
Globular Clusters: GC Catalogue, Blue Stragglers
Cosmology: NASA Archive, W. Hu homepage
Workshops: International Astronomy Meetings List
Cosmology Cookbook: Cosmological Distances, Cosmological Distances 2, Hubble non-constant & co, (1+z) or not? This is the problem, Specific intensity, intensity and observed flux, Luminosity/magnitude conversion, Toomre's parameter
Star cluster Cookbook: Maxwellian, Density
Numerical stuff: softening
Useful things: Stellar lifetime calculator, GALADRIEL (M/L et al.)
Codes: Astrophysics Source Code Library, GADGET, RECFAST (f77), RECFAST (c), FLASH, NEMO, STARLAB, PKDGRAV
Jobs: Job Register
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Una bambina disegna su un tavolo
nel tavolo, l'arcobaleno
grattacieli di cristallo
in profondita`