Catalogs description ########################################################################################### ra Right Ascension at reference epoch [deg] dec Declination at reference epoch [deg] Ks Ks band magnitude J J band magnitude pmRA Proper motion in the R.A. direction [mas/yr] epmRA pmRA error [mas/yr] pmDEC Proper motion in the DEC. direction [mas/yr] epmDEC pmDEC error [mas/yr] nfitX Number of points used to fit pmX, with X = RA, DEC tfitX Time baseline used in the pmX fit, with X = RA, DEC [years] QFIT PSF quality of fit parameter for Ks band from KS2 ok Flag equal to one for selected sources that passed the quality cuts described below ########################################################################################### The reference epoch for the position of each catalog is specified in the header of the catalog. Sources with no measured proper motion are flagged with the value 999 for both proper motion and proper motion error. Sources with no J magnitude are flagged with 999. Sources with ok = 0 are not reliable and should be carefully checked. Quality cuts: - Source measured in at least 4 images - QFIT > 0 - nfitX > 20 - abs(pmX) < 847.5/tfitX (847.5 = 2.5 px * 339 mas/px, where 2.5 is the maximum matching radius adopted) - epmX > 0 - ePM < 5 or abs(ePM/PM) < .1 (total proper-motion error less than 5 OR less than 10%)