Caption of the images k2-20200912R+IRcolor.jpg k2-20200912R+IRiso750b.jpg 2020.09.12. Comet C/2017 K2 composite image. Asiago Astrophysical Observatory (INAF-OAPD), Copernico 1.82m telescope, Rj and IRj filters. Resolution: 1520 km/pixel on the sky plane at the distance of the comet. Stack of ten 300s-exposure images. The widest trace in the isophote view corresponds to an ADU value just above the sky background. k2-20200912R+IRls45.jpg k2-20200912R+IRls45dida.jpg 2020.09.12. Comet C/2017 K2. Enhancement of the inner coma details with the Larson-Sekanina algorithm centered on the optocenter of the cometary nucleus (alpha = 45°). The black and white traces are star trails recorded over the observation time.