Renato Falomo (RF) born in Venice (Italy) in 1953. PhD in Astronomy at the University of Padova (1979). After some years of work as astronomer at the Observatory of Brera (Milan) and at Asiago observatory he moved to the Observatory of Padova . RF was working as full astronomer of INAF at the Astronomical Observatory of Padova until end 2018.

Science activity : phenomenology of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the context of the processes of formation and evolution of galaxies; spectral energy distributions of the nuclei; characterization of the properties of the host galaxies of quasars. In particular a program was carried out for the investigation of the properties of BL Lacertae objects and low redshift radio galaxies using ESO telescopes and HST, the measurements of their black hole masses and the connection between nuclear activity and the processes of galaxy formation. Most recent studies include the cosmic evolution of the QSO host at high redshift using ESO VLT and Adaptive Optics images of AGN. Detailed description of the research work can be found in the research activity web pages. RF is authors of about 200 articles on refereed journals and over 160 other publications (see the on line publication list.)

He served as chairman of the TAC for TNG, REM and LBT observing time. RF was actively involved in the phase A study for a near-IR camera for E-ELT (MICADO project ). RF was scientific director of the Italian magazine for amateur astronomers COELUM. and was science consultant for Planetario di Padova.

Actual position: Associate to INAF at Padova Observatory.